Concetta Van Der Westhuizen, Kanes Food: Catalyst for Change

Case Studies

Added 03.02.23

In recognition of her hard work and commitment Concetta Van Der Westhuizen from Kanes Food has been awarded a special commendation from Intec.

Her enthusiasm to learn and develop her knowledge base has set Concetta apart and has been key to her success in her Project Management Level 4 Apprenticeship.

A natural project leader, Concetta started the course with a wealth of general managerial experience but no formal qualification in Project Management. Despite appearing confident to others, Concetta sometimes doubted herself but since the start of her programme, she has grown to be a confident and capable Project Manager.

Not only has Concetta excelled on her own programme but she has encouraged others within Kanes Foods to do the same, becoming a supportive mentor to others on the programme. She has developed her skills and has also completed a Prince 2 qualification alongside her apprenticeship. ‘Before the course I was very shy and scared to speak up when needed, my course has help me with building professional relationships and networks and being able to communicate more efficiently and be more confident in communicating by using the communication tools.’ Says Concetta.

This year has had its own set of challenges, with a lot of uncertainties due to the global pandemic. Concetta found the programme helped her to adapt to the changing environments. 'I like to be in control and prepared for all scenarios. The course has also helped me focus more on my  adaptability, I feel that using that methodology and tools APM have taught me  and provided me throughout the course, I have been able to quickly respond to changing trends whether it was in our food industry or the engineering and construction area, being able to come up with more innovation projects and ideas , dealing with the current destabilization and changes within the business due to the strange year we have had and the  industry shifts and changes due to the challenges faced throughout 2020.' Says Concetta.

Concetta’s attitude and determination has really shone and her development on programme has been exceptional. Through perseverance and commitment, she has gone from strength to strength.

‘The Apprenticeship has been a catalyst for her career to develop within Kanes, the company are very pleased as her role now better fits the company’s requirements. This is mainly due to her hard work, commitment, and Apprentice training.’

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