Customer Service


Customer service professionals have the power to create a lasting impression, and when done well, great service can set a business apart. Our programmes combine practical experience with focused learning to help develop confident, capable individuals with the skills needed to deliver exceptional service, helping you turn customer interactions into a competitive advantage.

Trusted by 350+ Partners

What Makes Us Different

Rolling Start Dates

Free Recruitment Service

Flexible Delivery Model

Industry Links & Accreditations

Support at Every Stage

Our Approach

Understanding Apprenticeship Funding

Levy Paying Employers with a Wage Bill of Over £3 million

Levy-paying employers pay 0.5% of their wage bill into a dedicated fund, which can be used to cover the full cost of  our apprenticeship programmes.

Non-Levy Employer & Apprentice Under 21 Years Old

If the organisation does not pay into the Levy and the apprentice is aged 21 or under, the cost of apprenticeship training is fully funded by the government.

Non-Levy Employer & Apprentice Aged 22 or Over

If the organisation does not pay into the Levy and the apprentice is aged 22 or over, the cost of apprenticeship training is 95% funded by the government. 

Private Funding Options for Apprenticeship Programmes

Learners may sometimes be ineligible for apprenticeship funding. Private funding is available as an alternative for our programmes.